Friday, June 8, 2012

Top Ten Tax Tips For Foreign Property Owners | Finance information

1. Do not Forget You Still Have UK Tax To Pay!

Arguably, this is more of a warning Than a tip, aim it is vital to remember That Any UK resident Individual buying property abroad is still to UK tax Exposed On That property. This may include UK Income Tax on rental income transactions, UK Capital Gains Tax on property sales and UK Inheritance Tax On Any foreign properties you leave to your children.

The UK tax burden is Often Greater Than Any foreign tax passif , so it makes sense to undertake UK tax planning for your foreign property. Many of the technical schedule Sami That Work well on UK property Can Be Used Equally one foreign property, although the overseas angle adds extra dimension year and additional Brings Both Opportunities and additional pitfalls To Be wary of. 2. Main Residence Relief for Foreign Holiday Homes

There is nothing in the UK tax legislation to Say That a foreign holiday home Can not Be a UK resident Individual?s main residence for Capital Gains Tax practical purposes.

A holiday home

Can Be Treated as your main residence by making election year To That Effect, Generally Within Two Years of buying the property.

The foreign property must be your own holiday home for at least proportion of the time goal, by making the election, you Will Be Able to free all gold Some of the capital gain on your foreign home from UK Capital Gains Tax.

Beware, however, that ?you?re only Allowed one main residence and, if you?re married or in a civil partnership, you?re only one Allowed Between You, so Electing to treat your holiday home as your main residence Could backfire if you sell your main house back in the UK.

You Can Get the best of both worlds though, only if you elect to treat your foreign property as your main residence for a short p?riode, say a week. How does this help? Well, since residence aussi Every hand free for the last Three Years of ownership, that ?week buys you Three Years. In Other Words, you lose one week?s worth of exemption on your main house winning goal Three Years (and a week) of exemption on your foreign holiday home.

3. Travel at the Treasury?s Expense

If you?re renting out foreign property, You have a foreign rental business. Like Any Other Business, you?re Entitled to Relief for tax claim your business d?penses. That includes travel Any Which you Incur Costs for business practical purposes.

Furthermore, all foreign property rentals are treated fish, as one business. Hence, for example, You Could claim the cost of going to Dubai to look for a new rental property can Against the revenu from a rental villa Which Already have you in Spain. 4. Understand the Local Taxes

Most Countries Will Foreigners tax on any property in the country THEY Own. Local property taxes Often Apply to Purchases and sales and to rental income activities. Furthermore, You Will Have to Pay Often Annual taxes on foreign property, Even If You Do not rent it out, And Many Countries Have aussi gift and death taxes.

You Will Get Relief Double tax in the UK for Any foreign tax on the capital gains Sami revenu gold When The UK accepts That the foreign tax is broadly equivalent to the UK tax you Are Paying.

Beware, however, that ?Every country has different tax HAS diet and not all of ?em are consistent with the UK tax system. If You Suffer a foreign tax Which is different in character-to-any UK tax, Which Arises When gold no UK tax is due, you may not get any terrain for it in the UK.

So, a foreign tax at 30% which is deductible from your UK tax liability on the Sami Actually revenu may cost you less Than a foreign tax at 10% for Which No Double Tax Relief is available. All thesis factoring Need To Be regarded before you invest in foreign property. 5. Do You Want Double Tax Relief?

As a general rule it is worth Usually Claiming tax raised twice for Any foreign taxes Whenever You Can. By dual Claiming tax relief, you Deduct the Amount of foreign tax paid from your UK tax liability.

However, you cannot get any repayment of foreign tax-through double-tax claim and highlight the best you-can ever do is to Reduce your UK tax liability to nil.

Sometimes, the foreign tax may Actually Exceed the Amount of the capital gain or imposable UK tax for practical purposes. Thesis in situations, it is better to claim the foreign tax year as injustement Expense Than Double to claim tax relief.

Where you claim foreign tax year as Expense, it reduces the Amount of the capital gain or imposable Even Canon and create a loss. This Can Be loss carried forward to Give you future tax raised and hence, In Some situations, can Actually Give You better value for your foreign tax Relief Than a dual tax claim. 6. Reduce Your Foreign Exchange Tax Risk

All UK tax calculations for Individual Taxpayers are Carried out in pounds sterling. This Creates Some Particular problems When It Comes to capital gains on foreign property. You may make very little gain in the local currency, translate When You aim your purchase and dirty back Into Costs Sterling, you may Have a Big Capital Gains Tax exposure in the UK.

Let?s say you buy a property 100.000 for in Utopia Utopian Dollars at a Time When The exchange rate is Utopian Two Dollars to the pound. That means clustering You have a purchase cost of ? 50,000. Later, you sell the property for 120.000 Utopian Dollars. In local terms, You have a modest gain of 20.000 Utopian Dollars. However, let us suppose That the exchange rate is now 1.2 Dollars to the pound. This Means That your sale produit for UK Capital Gains Tax Purposes are ? 100,000 and taxable You have a gain of ? 50,000. Maybe that?s fair: after all, if you bring the money back to the UK, you Will Have made a profit of ? 50,000 on your investment.

Beware, however, that ?if you hang on to your Utopian Dollars, They Will Become a new chargeable asset for UK Capital Gains Tax Purposes and may Give Rise to a capital gain or capital loss When You Spend Them Eventually gold sterling gold exchange Them Into Any Other currency.

The real problem to watch if you make Is That a capital loss on your foreign currency in a later UK tax year (year ended 5 th April), You Will not Be Able to set off That loss Earlier Against The capital gain on your foreign property.

The tax tip here, Therefore, is to make sour That You features of your foreign currency in dirty produit The Same UK tax year as you have of the foreign property for itself.

7. Get VAT back with leaseback

In the UK, we are accustomed to the idea That Any purchase of residential property is exempt from VAT. This is not the case In Every country, however, And Many European Countries charging VAT, at rates of up to 20%, new residential property Purchases.

One way to recover the VAT on purchase sa situation is ou to a ?leaseback? scheme. Under thesis schemes you, the owner, lease the property back to a hotel operator. This Means That Becomes your property has a business property and you Are Able to recover the VAT. Typically, you Are Allowed A Few weeks of personal use of the property EACH year and, Eventually, After A Suitable number of years, it is yours outright again. The scheme only works for certain types of property, Such as hotel rooms and apartments, and may carry Disadvantages For Other foreign taxes, Such as Higher Income Tax rates, so it?s one to Investigate Carefully before you sign up.

8. Borrow to Save

Many Countries impose Wealth Tax, Inheritance Tax, or Both, the Foreigners owning property In Their Country.

Wealth Tax is Usually An annual load on the property owner?s net wealth in the country.

Foreign Inheritance Tax Applies only to aussi Usually a foreigner?s net assets in the country.

In MOST boxes, You Can Reduce Your Wealth In The Net foreign country for tax Purposes by Taking out a mortgage on your foreign property. In this way, It Will Be Usually just your net equity in the property Which attracts foreign tax.

If you do not need a mortgage Actually, you-can invest the borrowed funds somewhere else outside the country Where your property is located.

9. Avoid Evasion

When you buy property in a foreign country, You Will Be Acquiring Usually aussi tax obligations?m his country. In Fact, Many Countries require prospective foreign property Purchasers to register Themselves with the local Tax Authority Before They Complete Their purchase Cdn.

If you want to sleep at night, You Need to Make Sure That You FulFil your local tax obligations in the country Where your property is situated. Many foreign tax Authorities Have the Power to sixteen Where property taxes are unpaid. Naturally enough, the local Tax Authority Will write to you in Their Own Language. Do not ignore this correspondence just Because You do not understand it: this is no defense. You Will Need local help and advice to make sour That You deal with the local Tax Authority and appropriately Meet all of your obligations as a contribuable in the country. 10. Expect the Unexpected

If the UK tax system is all Greek to you, Seems Like Double Dutch gold, Why Should you expect foreign taxes to Be Any different? Every Country Has Its Own tax and legal system and, When You buy property abroad, you must abandon all of your preconceptions.

Assume Nothing Until You Have investigated the local tax system thoroughly. Your destination country Will Have different taxes, different tax rates, a different tax year and A Whole different set of rules, r?glements, reliefs and exemptions. Local property law and inheritance law is Likely to be different too and a UK investor Who overlooks this fact-a great deal may Suffer More Than Just tax


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