Monday, February 13, 2012

Downton Abbey, Season 2

Seth, I love the idea of Jane as a manic pixie dream maid. The quick love connection between her and Lord Grantham says very little about Jane and quite a bit about Lord G. (Of course, that?s the entire purpose of Jane as a character: To say quite a bit about Lord G.) But I do think that Julian Fellowes set up convincingly the idea of a Robert Crawley who?s feeling lost at sea?unwanted by the army, ignored by his wife, puttering around a big old house while soldiers who made the penultimate sacrifice for queen and country suffer in the next room. ?Before the war I believed my life had value,? he says gloomily. ?I should like to feel that way again.? Affairs?or almost-affairs, like this one?are, the old wisdom goes, more about the cheater than the object of his affections; it?s not surprising that Lord Grantham would be attracted to being of use to someone, even if it?s just getting her son into Ripon Grammar.


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