Thursday, May 24, 2012

In order to save the planet you and your family must suffer..Only ...

Well done to the?Daily Telegraph?for exposing this disgraceful Government website that advocates its citizens should be made to?suffer?in order to save the planet.

?People should wear jumpers, use blankets, play board games and walk more to save on energy bills this winter, a Federal Government website says.

But the suggestions are ?very condescending? and overlook the cost of living struggles of many Victorian families, organisations that help the vulnerable say.

The?Living Greener website?tells people that choosing jumpers and blankets over heating, board games over video games, and walking and cycling over driving ?can make a difference to how much winter?s bite will hurt your wallet?.

It also suggests drawing up shopping lists will prevent food being wasted.

Having fun ?unplugged?, such as playing board games instead of the Xbox, will also save on bills.

?During winter?s coldest months, many of us chill out watching TV, playing gaming consoles, or cooking a hearty meal,? it says.

?Most of this fun comes with a price tag ? on the planet and our energy bills.?

You see, our current federal government is walking in step with the likes of the?WWF, Worldvison,?the UNEP, and other eco-leftard groups who all propose the same radical aims: to extend the powers of government; to massively raise taxes; to weaken if not completelydestroy the capitalist system; to curtail personal freedom; to?massively redistributeincome both domestically and internationally; to bring ever-closer the advent of an eco-fascist New World Order.


Victorian Council of Social Service chief executive Cath Smith said people in rented houses could do little about their drafty, energy-sapping surrounds.

And those struggling the most likely couldn?t read the advice.

?Most of those doing it tough probably aren?t going to be logging into a website anyway,? she said.

?They won?t be able to afford to have broadband at home.?


Extremist green campaigning group WWF ? endorsed by no less a body than the European Space Agency ? has stated that economic growth should be abandoned, that citizens of the world?s wealthy nations should prepare for poverty and that?all?the human race?s energy should be produced as renewable electricity within 38 years from now.

Most astonishingly of all, the green hardliners demand that the enormous numbers of wind farms, tidal barriers and solar powerplants required under their plans should somehow be built while at the same time severely rationing supplies of concrete, steel, copper and glass.

The WWF presents these demands in itsjust-issued?Living Planet Report for 2012. It?s a remarkable document, not least for the fact that it is formally endorsed for the first time by the European Space Agency (ESA) ? an organisation which would cease to exist in any meaningful form if the document?s recommendations were to be carried out.

The report is also unusual in that it seeks to set policy on economics and energy, but doesn?t anywhere give any figures expressed in units of energy (watt-hours, joules etc) or currency (dollars, euros or what have you). Instead the WWF activists prefer to base their argument on various indices invented either by themselves or by other international non- or quasi-governmental organisations.


this is truth..this what they want for us?because?of CO2 in the atmosphere..?harmless?CO2..if its cold put on a jumper..i thought everything was warming? :)

global poverty is the end game?because?then they can bring in whatever they want..

and the ESA..the?space?agency of all things agrees with the


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~ by seeker401 on May 24, 2012.

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